Energy healing session

Healing Currents

Receive energetic support with your concerns.

Heilström sessions are profound, psychically guided meditations in silence.

Information on the treatment

Healing Currents

My healing currenttreatments are a wonderful, beneficial joint blessing meditation– initiated by me but mostly performed in silence – in which we place ourselves together in the healing hands of God, our Creator, the Primordial Source as some call him, so that all the support, encouragement, healing, energies, blessings, energetic healings, information and gifts come to you that you now need from the highest perspective, both for the treatment of your concerns, but also for your holistic spiritual development.

Healing currents are so special and effective because by dispensing with words we allow healing beyond the human perspective, i.e. deep transformation from the highest perspective. Free from limitations or reductions through filters, such as the interpretation of what is spoken through the mind, human interpretations and associations, thoughts, or limiting ideas about expressed wishes or channeled messages and everything that could be reinterpreted, restricted or distorted through the use of words.

A healing currentmeditation takes place by appointment by telephone, Whatsapp call or Skype. The energy compensation for a 1-hour appointment is 580 BRL | 121 $ | 111 €.

What is the difference between the healing currents and the other offers?

In contrast to the psychic sessions or the consultation hour, a healing current session takes place mostly in silence. At the beginning I will invite you to open with me to the healing and blessings of our Creator and guide you into a state of deep healing to receive this healing, transformative, blessing energy. We spend this phase of meditative receiving in silence. When I receive the information that the blessings have been completed, I will guide you back from your state of relaxation into everyday life. I may then pass on messages or recommendations from your spirit guides for your further transformation, if I have received any. For the rest of the day, I recommend that you allow yourself to rest so that you can optimally integrate the transformative energies that you have received.

Do you have any further questions or are you interested in an appointment? Then get in touch!

How does a healing current treatment work?

We can have a healing current session, like all other applications with me, via WhatsApp call or the free meeting app Skype. I recommend Skype, which you can download to your computer or cell phone, as it allows you to record our session so that you can regularly listen to the deep meditation afterwards to recharge your batteries.

I will contact you on your chosen path at an agreed time.
To ensure that you can relax deeply and receive all the precious energies in the best possible way, the healing current takes place while you are lying down. So please make sure you are in a pleasant environment where you are warm, quiet, cozy and comfortable.

Our sessions usually last between 45 and 60 minutes. However, it may well take longer, so please bring enough time with you to our appointment so that you can really enjoy it to the full.

I also recommend that you allow yourself to rest for the rest of the day to let this deep blessing and healing take effect.

Appointment request

If you would like to request an appointment or if you have any questions about the appointment beforehand, you can reach me at Whats-App: +55 6299 6291 789 (This is a Brazilian number, because that’s where I live.) Email: Please state in your message what type of appointment it is, i.e. whether it’s a consultation, coaching, mediumistic session or healing flows. I look forward to your message! 🙂

Further offers

Media consultation hour

Ask me a question about a concern.

Psychic sessions

Get answers to several questions support for improvement requests.

Write to me

Hello, my name is Alena. I am the founder of the Spirit Healing Center and conduct the energy healing sessions mediumistic consultations. Learn more about me.

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