Mediumistic consultation hour
Information on consultation hours
What does a consultation appointment involve?
During my mediumisticconsultation hour on Mondays between 6 and 8 pm, you have the opportunity to ask me a question during a 15-minute appointment.
You will receive your mediumistic messages from the light beings subordinate to the Primordial Source, i.e. our Creator, who speak through me or pass on information to me for you. These are, for example, angels, ascended masters, your spiritual team (e.g. your personal spiritual guides who accompany you on your path through life and are entrusted with your well-being) as well as those beings of light who have been sent by God for you and our appointment to answer your questions for your highest good.
The mediumistic consultation takes place every Monday, by phone, Whatsapp or Skype. If you would like to take advantage of a consultation, please contact me in advance to arrange your personal appointment. The energy compensation for a 15-minute appointment is 170 BRL I 36 $ I 33 €.
Areas where you could ask me questions:
- Personal problems, development wishes personality development
- Questions about possible improvements to your current living conditions
- Causes and background to current problems and challenges or situations in which you are blocked or feel stuck
- Questions about relationships, such as family, friends, children partnership
- Questions about your job or career
- etc.
My aim is to provide you with mediumistic support to give you information about certain issues, the causes of problems and how you can achieve a desired improvement more easily or overcome challenges.
As part of the mediumistic consultation, I support you in “helping yourself to help yourself”. For example, in identifying potential or discovering and uncovering things that may be holding you back or preventing you from achieving your goals. Guided healings, resolutions and meditations do not take place during the psychic consultation due to the shorter time frame. This is what my psychic sessions are for.
This short format is designed to make it easier for you to access psychic help and receive spiritual messages on issues without having to book a 1-2 hour session with associated healings, resolutions and exercises. Of course, you can still do this afterwards.
For a more extensive psychic session, we take 1 – 2 hours to deal with all your current issues and go into deep healing and transformation. If you have been to my consultation beforehand, 50% of the energy compensation will be credited to your mediumistic session.
Do you have any further questions or are you interested in an appointment? Then get in touch!
What is the difference between the consultation hour and the other services?
The mediumistic consultation is a question and answer session between you and me as a medium, in which you receive light information, both through my words and on a spiritual level, to answer your concerns and which will continue to support you in finding solutions after our conversation.
In contrast to an extended psychic session or healing flows, there are no meditations, exercises, dissolutions or extended energetic healings during a consultation appointment due to the shorter time frame of 15 minutes.
For example, if you have a question about a problem that you would like to solve, the spiritual world will mainly describe the energetic (main) reasons or causes that need to be solved and how you can work on them yourself during a consultation. They will also give you recommendations on the most important issues or areas that need to be addressed, resolved, healed or transformed.
After our appointment, you can then tackle these independently or work on them together with me in a subsequent psychicsession, coaching or healing current.
In the case of deeper causes, the spirit world may even recommend that you seek help from a medium to find a solution. It is your choice whether you want to seek this help and whether it should be from me or another healing medium you trust.
How does a consultation appointment take place?
If you would like to book a consultation appointment with me, please contact me either by email or WhatsApp to enquire about available appointments on a Monday of your choice between 6pm and 8pm.
At the agreed time, I will contact you for a telephone call, either via WhatsApp or Skype.
You will then have time to ask me your question and I will pass on the messages that are waiting for you from the spiritual world. During our 15 minutes, the spirits will also respond to your follow-up questions on the topic you chose at the beginning, provided there is still time. After our 15 minutes, the consultation will be over and the conversation will end so that I can contact the next person waiting.
Appointment request
The mediumistic consultation takes place on Mondays between 6 – 8 pm, by phone, Whatsapp or Skype. The energy compensation for a 15-minute appointment is 170 BRL | 36 $ | 33 €.
If you would like to request an appointment or if you have any questions about the appointment beforehand, you can reach me at :
Whats-App: +55 6299 6291 789
(This is a Brazilian number, because that’s where I live).
Please state in your message what type of appointment it is, i.e. whether it is a consultation, coaching, mediumistic session or healing currents.
I look forward to hearing from you